Stock of Used Kalmar Forklifts, Container Handlers, Reachstackers

Stock of Used Kalmar Forklifts, Container Handlers, Reachstackers

Forkliftcenter has quality Used Kalmar Equipment Ready for Delivery Today.

Forkliftcenter BV proudly carries a full line of Kalmar material handling, container handling, and terminal equipment. Forkliftcenter BV is specialized in providing quality pre-owned forklifts, warehouse equipment, reachstackers, terminal equipment.

Offering a full line of Kalmar product, Forkliftcenter is well equiped to provide technical, sales and logistical support for your companies acquisition. Our experienced and certified technical engineers inspect the quality of each machine in a professional manner. 

Kalmar is among the international brand leaders in material handing, container handling, terminal operations and distribution. Equipment range from quality lower tonnage forklifts up to the fully loaded reachstackers, Kalmar delivers long lasting and reliable equipment with quality components and internationally available parts and service.

Forkliftcenter BV offers a comprehensive line of Used Kalmar products from the strong and agile Kalmar DCE70 to the 28 ton Kalmar DCD280  all the way up to the Kalmar DRS4531-S5.